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Membership administration with CiviCRM

Drupal and CRM programming for physiotherapists and patients


Physio Austria

Federal Association of Physiotherapists in Austria
Physio Austria has been working with webshapers for more than 10 years. Together we have successfully implemented numerous projects. As the managing director of Physio Austria, I appreciate the technical expertise of Markus Rössler and the entire webshapers team. We continue to put the implementation, support and further development of our website in the hands of the webshapers with great confidence and look forward to many more projects.
Mag. Stefan Moritz, MSc

Member management and self-service center


With more than 15,000 active users and a good 6,000 member physiotherapists, Physio Austria has a lot to offer for stakeholders. The self-service center is the center for all services for members, officials, course participants, seminar speakers and the national organizations. And for us (we are Max). The various functionalities are integrated into the main website, crowned by the user dashboard:

  • Direct links for all sources of information and exclusive content
  • Service links for course participants with automated downloads of invoices, confirmations and certificates
  • Management links for regional association, officials, seminar speakers, advertisers, therapist search entries, etc.

What else is there?

A service ticket system, with CiviCases, Drupal modules and thousands of lines of PHP code, hectoliters of coffee not factored in. Communication between members, association office and experts made easy:

Member? Then please fill out the form, you will receive the answer immediately in your mailbox.

Association office? Oh, they have more tasks! Open service tickets, send e-mails around, track all incoming and outgoing activities, record changes in the ticket, organize and inform all involved people, or create nice dashboards for the statistics of the completed cases.

What they DO NOT have to do is what we did and automated for them. But they still have a lot of questions to answer and a lot of tickets to be closed. In 2020, 6,333 service tickets were managed (Max only has one).

A new Video On Demand service has recently been launched: the recordings of various online webinars are made available to members for a small fee. In the pipeline there are also more service links in the dashboard, PDF downloads for membership fee payments and membership confirmations (but this is still top secret!)

The complex organizational structure, its various stakeholders and all services are presented very transparently. Each user has limited access to different areas, depending on their role in the organization (not even Max has all rights).

All of these functions have grown over the years of our partnership with Physio Austria. And at the moment we're looking forward to rethinking and redesigning the project, including even more stakeholders and their interests. Towards Drupal 9 and Bootstrap 5. (Bravo, Max!)

Then, in 2018, came phydelio:

Phydelio: all-in-one training platform and course management

Seminars for various stakeholders are organized by Physio Austria on the main website, with CiviCRM events and Drupal modules in the heart. Phydelio has a "distinct" look and feel, which many of us may remind us of past school days, but we still love it. For what it's got under the hood: A generic Search-API-based page search that presents all available entries with practical context filters.

The most important course information, online registration AND: a traffic light!

Screenshot Seminar Overview

A nice traffic light.

Compact, practical presentation of the seminars, all metadata and of course our popular course traffic light (it never breaks), which informs the course participants about the booking status of the selected seminar.

The booking process itself allows both logged in and anonymous users to register online. You will also receive acceptance (or sometimes rejection) emails, and other information via automated emails and in the self-service center.

Continuing education self-service center
All course information and documents are easily available for download at any time.

Screenshot self-service center Seminars

Die Phydelio Search

Tabbed interface for a generic page search.

Screenshot Seminar Overviews

And of course the general front end, the website.

Yes, of course, that too. But that's a long story. Very long. The following screenshot is from March 2021.

Screenshot Frontpage Physio Austria 03/21
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